



 •Independent Consulting Geologist with over 25 years in oil and gas business. 

•Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon plays. 

•Experience in US Rocky Mountain Basins, Gulf Coast, and West Texas. 

•International Experience in Namibia, Italy, Canada, and Zimbabwe. 

•Ph.D. in Structural Geology (The University of Texas at Austin, TX). 

•M.S. in Structural Geology (SUNY-Albany, NY).

 •B.A. in Geology (Carleton College, MN). 

•Numerous Publications 


Over 35 years of technical experience as a professional geologist with extensive background in geophysical data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. 

He has conducted hundreds of geological/geophysical/geochemical/remote sensing surveys in all the lower 48 states, 5 Canadian provinces, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, and many countries in Russia, Asia,and the Middle East. African projects include Namibia, South Africa, and Cameroon.   

B.A. degrees in Chemistry and Geology from Bloomsburg University, PA.

Graduate credits in geology and geophysics from UC-Boulder, UC-Denver, and the Colorado School of Mines.


We are always interested in working on new and exciting geoscience projects. Have an idea?  See something that might be important in your area? 

Send us an email.  We would love to chat.


A kestrel is a name given to several small bird members of the falcon genus FALCO.  

Kestrels are small, fiercely competitive, and typically hover over their prey.  They are distinguished by their relatively small size compared to other raptors and show an occasional tail lift when perched.


Hoak, T.E., 2018, The Value of Outcrop Studies in Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty and Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production,  book review published in Geological Society of London Geoscientist Magazine, October 2018 issue. 

 Hoak, T.E., Klawitter, A.L., Dommer, C.F., and Scaturro, P.V., 2014, Integrated Hydrocarbon Exploration of the Owambo Basin, Onshore Northern Namibia:  Implications for a Modern Frontier Basin, AAPG Search and Discovery Article  #10609.  

Hoak, T.E., 2014, Advances in Carbonate Exploration and Reservoir Analysis, book review published in Geological Society of London Geoscientist Magazine, May 2014 issue.  

Hoak, T.E., Klawitter, A.L., Dommer, C.F., and Scaturro, P.V., April 8, 2014, Integrated Hydrocarbon Exploration of the Owambo Basin, Onshore Northern Namibia:  Implications for a Modern Frontier Basin, AAPG Poster Session Abstract, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.    

Hoak, T.E., Klawitter, A.L., and Witherbee, K.G., 1999, Naval Oil Shale Lands may hold Large Piceance Gas Potential, Oil and Gas Journal, March 8, 1999, 83-86.  

Hoak, T. E., Sundberg, K. S., Ortoleva, P. and Shebl, M., 1998, Discrimination between Karst and Tectonic Fractures in the Ellenburger Formation, West Texas: Implications for Exploration Models, Poster Session Abstract, 1998 AAPG Annual Meeting.  

Hoak, T. E., Sundberg, K. S., Ortoleva, P. and Shebl, M., 1997, Structural Synthesis and Tectonic Interpretation for an Integrated Modeling Study of Ellenburger and Clear Fork Reservoirs, Permian Basin, West Texas, Poster Session presented at the 1997 AAPG-Southwest Section Meeting, San Angelo, TX. 

Hoak, T.E., and Klawitter, A.L., 1997, Prediction of Fractured Reservoir Production Trends Using an Integrated Interpretation of Basement Structures in the Piceance Basin, Western Colorado,  in:  Hoak, T.E.,  Klawitter, A.L.,  and Blomquist, P.K., eds., Fractured Reservoirs:  Detection, Characterization and Prediction, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Guidebook, p. 67-102. 

Hoak, T.E., and Klawitter, A.L., 1996, Structural Compartmentalization in a Decapitated Anticline:  The example of the Divide Creek Fractured Reservoir, Piceance Basin, AAPG Poster Session abstract, AAPG Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. 

Hoak, T. E., Klawitter, A. L., Squires, S. G. and Decker, A. D., 1995, Prediction and Exploitation of Basement Controlled Production Trends in Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs:  Results of an Integrated Analysis, extended abstract for poster session at SPE annual technical conference, SPE 30619. 

Hoak, T.E., 1995, A New Integrated Tectonic Synthesis of the Piceance Basins:  Implications for Fractured Reservoir Detection and Characterization, AAPG Oral Session abstract, AAPG Regional Meeting, Reno, NV, p. A6. 

Hoak, T.E., and Klawitter, A.L., 1995, The Use of High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Surveys to Delineate Basement Controls on Thin-skinned, Fractured, Tight Gas Reservoirs:  Examples from the Piceance Basin, AAPG Poster Session abstract, AAPG Regional Meeting, Reno, NV, p. A6. 

Hoak, T.E., and Klawitter, A.L., 1995, "Delineation of Piceance Basin Basement Structures Using Multiple Source Data: Implications for Fractured Reservoir Exploration," Paper No. 9515, International Coalbed Methane Symposium (Intergas ‘95), 23 p. 

Klawitter, A.L., and Hoak, T.E., 1995, Delineation of Piceance Basin Basement Structures Using Multiple Source Data: Implications for Fractured Reservoir Exploration,", AAPG Poster Session abstract, AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, TX,  p. 51A. Winner of AAPG Annual Meeting Energy Minerals Division Best Poster Award.